Friday, January 19, 2007

BS Control for Type 1 Diabetic Golfers Who Walk

Hi, this is my first blog post ever so I really don't know what I am doing. I have been a juvenile diabetic since the age of 20. I am currently 56 years of age. I am well controlled with my latest H1C being 6.1. I am an avid golfer who distains taking a cart. I prefer to walk. I use a Sun Mountain three wheel cart which is wonderful. My problem arises from being able to control my blood sugars consistently through a round of golf. I will try to get to the course with a blood sugar level somewhere in the 150 to 200 range knowing that through the course of the first nine holes that blood sugar will be reduced considerably. I am a Minimed Insulin Infusion pump wearer that does not turn the pump off while I play. In fact, I do not use temporary setting with a reduced insulin rate either.

My problem is that I generally lose anywhere from 2 to 7 strokes through the course of a round because of low blood sugar reactions that I do not catch quickly enough. When my blood sugar dips below 70, it quickly starts to effect my coordination resulting in mishit shots. I take my Accuchek Compact blood glucose meter to the course with me and check my blood sugars two or three times a round. I carry Nature Valley granola bars in my bag generally eating two during the course of a round. I also bring a 16 oz. Gatorade to the course that I sip throughout the round.

I am looking for feedback from other Type 1 diabetic golfers who walk on how they control their blood sugars through the course of a round of golf. I am a decent golfer with a handicap of 15.5. If I was able to always perfectly control my blood sugars on the course, I believe that I could quickly shave another three strokes off of that handicap.


Chris said...

I dont really have any input or advice about being a type 1 who golfs. Welcome to the DOC nonetheless. My Daughter is type 1 and i have golfed once since her diagnoses this past fall. Golf is my life (well other life). My life is really her and my wife. Im sure my wife has cost me a few strokes here and there but not due to low BS.;)
I found this post very interesting and extremely helpful in terms of seeing what Emma will be going through as she starts her athletics. She is 2 by the way.
Well i hope to read more of your posts soon. And i am torn this weekend between coverage of the FBR and the Dubai.
Take care.

George said...

Welcome to OC! I found your blog on the OC site and have added a link to your blog on mine. I am also a type 1 and have been for 16 years now.

I wish I had some insight but honestly I am not a golfer. I did just recently acquire a set of clubs. so hopefully soon I will be able to call myself a golfer!

cc said...

hi. i don't golf, and i don't use a pump. i do exercise a lot. and walk a lot though.

anyways, just wanted to say hi, and welcome to the o.c.


Anonymous said...


I'm a 28-year-old Type I diabetic, diagnosed at age 5. I'm an occasional golfer, though these days I've been avid on the Playstation 2 version of Tiger Woods. "If only I could play in real life as I do in the game..."

Anyhow, I wear a minimed - have since mid-2001. When I'm out playing, my typical routine is to set a temp basal - about half of my regular. Do a test at beginning, at the half, and whenever else I might feel the need.

Of course, I vary between carts and walking - so usually need more focused care for the walking aspect. Always carry some glucose tabs and a soda in my bag, to be safe.